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How to Keep Your Kids Busy While You Work Online

by May 8, 2020Work from home0 comments

How to Keep Your Kids While You Work Online

Starting and running an online business is appealing to a lot of stay at home moms. They are able to work from home and be there for their children when they are needed. But having kids to look after can be a real challenge while you are trying to work on your online business.

In this article, we will give you some ideas on how to keep your children occupied, so that you can spend time on your online business. We are not including babies here. With a baby, you should be able to find time to work when they are sleeping.


It will be the most challenging for you to devote quality time to your online business if you have a toddler to take care of. At a very young age, they will want to bond with you as much as possible. You need to be smart here so that you can find that precious time that you need.

If your budget will allow it, you can hire someone to help. You can also ask other members of your family to help while you work. Grandparents are a good idea for this if they are willing and live nearby. If you have a partner, you can ask them to take care of the toddler when they are available.

Again if you have the finance, you can send your child to daycare. This will be tough on your toddler at first, but they will eventually meet other children and do fun things while you are working. If you have siblings or friends you can trust nearby, then ask them to help you if they can.

Children of Preschool Age

With preschool age children you have a little more flexibility because they will be more independent and can be amused with several things. This will leave you time to do your online work. You need to strike a good balance here as young kids get bored easily and they are going to want your attention at some point.

So your task here is to find different things that will keep your preschool child occupied while you work on your computer. You don’t have to spend a lot of money here. Get them to make things from items you don’t use anymore such as egg cartons. Kids around this age like to paint as well, so get some paints and brushes and ask them to paint you a nice picture.

Children at School

If your kids are of school age, there will be a lot of time that you can set aside for your online business. However, you need to take into account school holidays and other times when your children may not be at school.

At this age, your kids will be pretty happy to amuse themselves but they are going to demand your attention occasionally. Get them to do things that will enhance their learning rather than sit them down to watch TV all day.

Older Kids

If you have teenagers at home then it should be pretty easy to find the time you need for your online business. Why not ask them to help you around the home? Even if you have to bribe them to wash the dishes or do the grocery shopping, it will be worth it to free up your time.

When running an online business, you need to think about all of these things. Keep your kids occupied and free up some time for you to work. You know your kids better, so you’ll probably figure out better ways to keep them occupied.


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